The brakes should be checked on empty empty spaces. Before checking, the ABS should be disabled by removing the safety fuse. The ABS control lamp shall then be lit.

It is necessary to move quickly (about 30 km/h), squeeze the clutch and press the brake pedal to full force. After that, you have to look at the brake signs. If they are equal, the brakes are working correctly. A similar procedure is required with the parking brake.

In the second phase, the test should be accelerated to about 50 km/h. In this case, you don't have to compress too much, just stick to it. The brakes must be started smoothly, and then to the full force. The car has to stop on a straight line, without any water to the side.

The next step in the test is rolling in a slanted plane. If the car rolls freely and directly, stops without a roar-everything is fine.

You can also check the wheels of the wheels after the trip. If they're a little warm or cold, it's fine. If hot, the subport is cleaning up.

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