To replace the rear brake pads on the Chevrolet Captiva, do the following:

1) A car's car and a wheel is removed.

(2) A substuds bolt with a key "by 14" and an upper weakening.

(3) Pull up the sub-port and register it with a suitable object (for example, a shoe box).

4) Use a screwdriver to remove the outer pad and install a new one.

5) Remove the inner pad by removing the plate.

(6) Place the plate on the new pad (wear indicator) and install the internal tip.

(7) With the help of the inksin, insert a port of a sub-port by unrolling the cap of the brake fluid.

(8) Put the port on the spot, twist the bolts and hold the nut clip with the key "on 17".

(9) Place the wheel on the wheel and cap the brake fluid.

10) Plant and several times with the brake pedal.

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