Idle speed is an important mode for internal combustion engine. The cranking of the crankshaft shall be at a minimum speed, the combustion process shall also be in a minimum mode sufficient to keep the engine in its running state. Many motorists are wondering, "What is normal idle speed?".

It is worth saying that there is no single answer to this question. Normal idling speed for each vehicle depends on a variety of factors: Engine capacity, type of injection, type of gearbox, engine in general and power systems in particular, the temperature of the air "over the side" of the vehicle, etc.

  • the volume of the engine,
  • The injection type,
  • The gearbox type,
  • The condition of the engine in general, and of the power system in particular,
  • The air temperature is "over" and so on.

Normal engine idle speed can be found in the vehicle-specific instructions. In addition, on some models, this information is duplicated on the information plate under the hood (rpm-revision per minute).

In the case of average indicators, idle engine idle speed is typically between 600 and 1000 rpm. At the same time, vehicles with ACPR may have a slightly higher idle speed than the ICIE.

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