The idling sensor, the idling governor (RXX), shall be used to adjust idle speed and ensure the steady operation of the engine at idle. The idle sensor (governor) is an electric motor with a conical needle that regulates the section of the air supply channel, bypassing the throttle control, which is in the closed position.

The idling sensor, like any other, may be inoperable. The main indications that the sensor is in need of repair or replacement are: The car is stably busy or stalls at idle, the car stops when the gear is off, low engine turns on cold start.

  • the car's not stable, or it's going to be idling at idle,
  • the car swells when the transfer is turned off,
  • low engine speeds at cold start.

Most often, the Check Engine idling sensor fails on the dashboard.

To repair or replace the idle sensor with your hands, you need to know where it is. The idle sensor is directly attached to the throttle housing. It looks like a small barrel to which a plug fits. The two screws are usually secured by the two screws, and very often these screws are removed or lacquer, so it is not always easy to remove the idling sensor. On some models, to repair or replace PXX, the throttle has to be removed.

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