The manufacturer recommends that the engine air filter be changed every 15,000 km. However, in the operation of the car in Russian conditions, experts advise to perform the procedure more often-every 10,000 kilometers of mileage.

So, replacing the air filter requires the following actions:

The first thing to do is to stop the car engine if it's locked. You can then extract the air filter. It is recommended that you do not start the engine until a new filter is installed.

Locate the cleaning box of the environment that contains the air filter (sometimes two). Look for her from the driver's side, closer to the middle of the engine room.

Locate the metal and plastic tabs and latches that hold the box in place. They are often placed on top.

Remove the plastic lid from the box. Ensure that the dirt, leaves, and garbage that are sticking out of the engine are removed from it. Also remove the air filter to replace it with the new one.

The final step will be to replace this filter with a completely new OEM, which is designed specifically for Toyota Camry VII. Look for a special serial number and look at the oil filter.

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