Differences in cheap and expensive motor oil

The obvious differences are the type of oil (mineral, semi-synthetic, synthetic) and brand. In addition, the price difference may be determined by the terms of its production.

There are two main types of oil producers: full-cycle manufacturers and the mixing of oils from the finished components. Second-type enterprises purchase raw materials that have been cleaned, additives and oils. The additional costs ultimately affect the retail price.

The manufacturer of the full cycle through the purchase of cheaper raw materials, volume of production and other factors can offer the oil at a lower price.

If the base of the oil is greater than "synthetics", then the oil will be more expensive.

In any case, you need to pay attention to the oil specification. It is specified on the package. If the category of oil (for example, SAE) is the same, then the oil will work roughly the same. The acceptance of the oils of the various producers may differ, but the oils of the same category will have the same functional properties. Thus, the oil of Shell and Rosneft will not be very different-they must meet the requirements of the class. The requirements of the class are international, and any major producer gives its product to independent expertise. It's just that there's a myth in our country that all imported is better.

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