Replacement of rear brake blocks on Toyota Avensis 3 shall be carried out in such a sequence: Open the expansion cover. During the installation of the new pad, you need to regularly look at the level of the liquid and, if necessary, pump the wheel away. The key "on the 13" is the two retaining screws. The key is twisting the cable "by 10". back.

  1. Open the expansion cover. During the installation of new shoes you need to watch regularly at the level of the liquid and, if necessary, to pump.
  2. Lift the car and take the wheel off.
  3. The "on 13" key is swinging two screws of the subport.
  4. The key "on 10" is to unfastening the cable.
  5. The key "on 14" is the unfastening of the coupling of the brake hose.
  6. Take off the pimp, the pad, and the guides.
  7. Tupping the piston, turning it clockwise (right) or counterclockwise (left).
  8. Lubricating the guide grease for the sub-ports and putting them back on.
  9. When new pads are added, the pads are installed with the wear indicator.
  10. We're gathering it all back.

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