No one is immune to cracks and fissus on the windscreen. If you don't delay the repair of the windshield, you can do it with your own hands.
The damage to the windshield may be divided into three types:
1. Skol
2. Cracks
3. Unbranched crack
Any one of these three lesions can progress, ranging from the fractures that are branched, and the cracks tend to increase and spread.
The injection is fixed by the optical polymer (photo polymers). The glass should be polished after the procedure. It's best to choose a polymer that dries fast. The opacity of the polymer must correspond to the glass transparency.
To fill the polymer with a crack, a device called a bridge (also known as an injector) will be required. It can be both plastic and metal. In addition, a pump will be required to pump the air from the place of damage to the glass and the drill for the drilling of the edges of the crack.
Also, the drilling removes the stress from the entire windshield. In order to speed up the drying of a polymer, it is desirable to have a UV lamp.
The process is quite complex, requiring special materials and tools, so the practice shows that it is cheaper and easier to call specialists, and in some cases simply replace the windshield.
It is better to have a transparent glass of scotch as soon as possible, as it is not possible to allow the polymer enough to be soliditiated.