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Some consider it a useless option in a car created only to increase the price of a car, while others only choose a vehicle with a hatch, without considering any other options ... Undoubtedly, the roof of a car has a number of advantages, but what if it does not exist in your car? As practice shows, a hatch in the car's roof is quite feasible to do with his own hands.

The hatch can be made of metal or glass, hand-operated, or automatic, opening or sliding for the first time to start to understand which option suits you and to buy it (good, companies that offer trapdoors, now a lot).

For example, opening hatches are often not compatible with the roof of the roof, and the sliding hatch may well coexist with it. The glass hatches are mostly installed in service centres, and the metal is very often placed with its own hands.

In order to understand the access to the vehicle and how difficult it will be to install it, it is possible to ask for advice from specialists.

How do I put my hands on the roof?

As you start working on the independent installation of the roof hatch, remember to return everything "as was" you will not be able to get a hole in the roof.

Cut the hole in the roof according to the prebuilt pattern: to begin, move the edges and dimensions of the hatchway to the paper. For reliability, you can apply a paper template to the cardboard so that you do not damage it during migration.

When determining the roof space on the roof, ensure that important parts (e.g. lighting) are not covered when the hole is cut. Cut through the hole in the roof and in the ceiling, leave the "intake" approximately 1 cm.

The most common electrolysis is used in the installation of the manhole. It's more convenient for the two of us to work together: while they cut the roof, the other one pulls the sheathing of the ceiling. Once the hole in the metal is ready, the edges need to be processed with a file and paint so that the spot does not start to rust.

The plating of the ceiling was convenient to cut with a box cutter.

Once the hole under the manhole is cut in the metal and in the ceiling plating, it is possible to begin the direct installation of the hatch. Transparent silicone sealant is suitable for sealing. If you select a hatch with an electric drive, you will also need to connect and dock the wiring (most often connecting the hatch to the ground floor light).

The cut part of the roof is better not thrown out: it can be used on "patches" if the roof is suddenly damaged.

In order to check the installed hatch, the car should be driven to the washing machine or just water it out of the hose for 5 to 10 minutes. It is very important to ensure that the installed hatch is airtight from the beginning and, if necessary, correct the errors.

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