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Dodge Caliber has a lot of complex electronics on board, which can sometimes fail. Some owners complain about the sudden refusal of some equipment. For example, the lamp does not burn, although the lamp is in the order, the windshield wipers are not working, although the safety catch has not been blown. This means that the controller is likely to have an error that locks some devices.

If the error is true, you can reset it three times by turning off the ignition (the key needs to be turned from the LOCK position to the ON position, but the engine does not start). The procedure needs to be done as soon as possible, in 3 to 4 seconds. If everything is successful, the information will display on the right display, followed by "done". If the label does not appear, you should try again.

Such failures can occur without the intervention of the owner or, for example, when trying to turn on the windshield wiper during the winter, when the toothbrushes were attached to the glass.

It is worth remembering that the above method will not be able to remove the errors associated with the engine and repay the Check Engine.

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