The sequence of actions to replace the Daewoo Daewoo Daewoo's window lift is as follows:
Before you start, you need to first remove the battery minus. Then unscrew the door retaining bracket of the door.

Shift the filler back so that it is out of the arm's arm.

Remove the lining from the plating.

Then disconnect the wiring harness from the window-lift control unit to remove the cover.

Next, remove the outer mirror filler plate by clicking it off the tabs.

A screwdriver of the doorknob of opening the door, having previously turned a screwdriver to avoid scratching the plastic.

Remove the cladding of the handle.

Detach the three mounting screws at the bottom of the mounting bracket.

Remove the lining of the latch from the door.

Then, turn on the retaining screws at the door.

Stickate the protective cover from the door.

Rollback 2 securing the rail screw.

Get the rail out of the door.

While holding the glass, turn on the two fastening screws on the glass. It is not necessary to remove the glass, separate it from the window-lift, and lock it in the upper position, for example, a screwdriver.

Next, disconnect the connector of the window lift.

Then turn away the seven mounting glass windows.

Eject the window-lift from the door.

Reverse the installation.