Often after the installation of a good music system there is a need for vibration-and noise insulation of doors. Once it is installed, the doors will become heavier, and the sound quality of the music will be considerably improved.
In order to isolate the front doors, it is necessary to remove 4 carrials and remove the door lining. After this, you must disconnect all electrical outlets, remove the factory noise insulation completely, twist the speaker and pin the internal door handles, and remove the entire surface of the door where the new noise will be mounted. Now, we need to glue the interior of the door on vibration-isolating material. It is desirable to do so in a warm place. Then, the second layer needs to apply the external vibration isolation to the clips. A sheet of noise is taping to the top of the sheet. The yellow foam from the door needs to be disconnected, it's no longer necessary.
Back doors. By analogy with the front, it is necessary to remove the old factory noise isolation and to degreasing the surface. It is necessary to proclate first internal and then the outer surface of the door vibrating-isolating material. Then also stick a sheet of noise insulation. At the same time it is very important to keep the thrust of the side-arms free, for this it is necessary to leave the protective film on noise insulation in the place where the traction passes are underway. It's going backwards.