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To unblock the DVD scan during the Toyota Land Cruiser 200, you must do the following:

(1) Remove the top grid and gently hook the side air ducts.

2) To unroll two screws at the top of the navigation frame and two screws to each side.

3) Disconnect the connectors and remove the navigation unit to the side.

4) Find the correct slot-it is the largest, located on the left side.

5) Remove the option from the transaction.

6) Find the necessary wires-purple (speed sensor), blue (mass wire), yellow (brake sensor).

(7) Cut the yellow wire and connect it to the end of the blue wire.

(8) Prepare a button with two wires.

(9) Cut the purple wire and connect its ends with the buttons.

10) Install the button in one of the filler controls. The button is required to allow navigation to work normally

(11) Gather all back.

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