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Two w1.2w lights are responsible for the illumination of the climate block. To replace the light bulbs, you need the Thorx (asterisk) key to 15. The first thing to do is to end the central console. You must start dismantling from the bottom of the. Then remove the filler lining of the center part of the torpedo (it starts from the cover of the steering column and continues to the glove).

Now it is necessary to disconnect the button connectors, unplug the sealers, hold the climate control unit, remove the climate control unit from the top latches, and drown it in the central console and release the lower retaining tabs. The block must now be turned off to turn off the connectors and the ropes. For the convenience of replacing lamps, the temperature control cable must be disconnected-this will allow the expansion of the unit. Now you can turn the cap to the lamp, pull out the old lamp, and install a new lamp. The assembly is in the reverse order. It is important not to forget to connect the connector and the detached temperature control cable.

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