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To replace the candle, you will need a candle key on 16 with an extension cord of at least 15 cm long, a hexagonal key on 5, and a Phillips screwdriver.

First, remove the plastic protection of the engine by disconnecting the four latch latches by turning them in any direction by 90 degrees. It is recommended that the cover be removed without turning one of the latches. There is a need to find four ignition coils (in black plastic liners). Each coil is fixed by two bolts, and it will need a hexagon.

Then, use a screwdriver to lift the remaining connector tabs on each side of the coil up to the point and disconnect the connectors. After that, remove all bolts wrench with the wrench, and remove the coils by pulling them up. The spark plugs are in the well under the coils.

The next step is to roll out the candles. It is recommended that the key be pressured to be fixed in the head of the key (the head must have a rubber retainer retainer holding a candle when it is removed).

Then you can install new candles and put a candle in the head of the candle-key. The candlelight must take place without effort-otherwise it is possible to damage the threads. The effort with which to delay the candles is prescribed in the manual for the repair and operation of Skoda Octavia. But this is not without a chassis dynamometer.

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