The reason for the vibration of the gas pedal on the Kia Rio 3 may be a lack of lubrication. In addition, sometimes in one place the friction of parts is too strong, and it can be repaired in a mechanical way. In order to do this, it is necessary to remove the entire block of the electronic pedal of KIA Rio III.  The procedure requires a tubular key with one side on 12. The next step is to follow these steps:

Disconnect the wiring connector by pressing the retainer that is fixed to the feeler line.

2. Then it is necessary to turn away the three nuts to 12 in the attachment of the body to the body and to pull the block itself off the spire.

3.Roll the carrots with a 15-star.

Remove the cover by retaining the retainers

You can find a spot at the point by pedal work.

6. The surface of the pedal arm shall be tailed by a file with a pre-flap of the tongue. You should be gradual by periodically collecting the node without the lid, and by checking the friction at that location.

It is necessary to keep the focus until there is a light touch in place instead of friction.

8. It is further necessary to collect everything in reverse sequence, having prelubrate the lite with all the surfaces.

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