Unserviceable seat belts are one of the failures that prohibit the operation of the vehicle (P. 7.10. If the safety-belt has failed, it is best to approach specialists, as many faults can be solved only by professionals. However, there are times when the seatbelt can be fixed with its own hands. What to do if the seatbelt is not curled

What to do if the seatbelt is not curled

It happens that the extended seatbelt does not want to roll back on the drum. It's probably a spring case that just slipped away from the strain and the long exploitation. To fix the mechanism of the safety-belts, we need to clear the patch to get to the drum. If the spring is out of its place, it just needs to be put in place. Care must be taken not to hurt hands. If there is a spring in place, and the belt is still not rewound, then the reason is in the drum that will have to be replaced.

Sometimes the reason that the safety-belt does not curl at the original position is the dirt that has been copied on the belt itself and in the place of its attachment. This is usually a problem for old cars. In this case, the solution is simple: we simply need to wash the whole belt and the place where it is cleaning. After washing, do not forget to carefully dry the belt so that the water does not fall inside the mechanism.  What to do if the seat belt is jammed

What to do if the seat belt is jammed

Another common problem with the safety-belt, which can be fixed on its own, is the jbelts of the belt. Most often the source of this breakage is the dirt accumulated in the machinery itself and prevents the belt from being stretched to the belt. It is possible to find a special cleaning product in auto-shops: it is necessary to jump into the safety-belt mechanism and to rewind the belt several times so that the mechanism is developed. In addition, you can understand the mechanism and clean it yourself.

Before you begin the repair, pull out the seatbelt and lock it into place (for example, a home stick or a paper clip) so that it does not interfere with your actions.

If it is more serious to repair or replace the safety-belts after the accident, it is better to trust the professionals. Don't forget that the belts are the basis of your safety in the car. The failure of the safety-belt is not only a reason for a fine, but also a potential threat to life and health in an emergency.

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