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You will need VAG-COM (VCDS) to manipulate the settings, including the central lock. Even if this program is installed on a laptop, the Skoda Fabia II diagnostic connector will fail without the special cable. Shnur, even unoriginal, costs more than a hundred dollars, can be purchased at the car or online store. It makes sense to acquire a wide range of changes to the settings if necessary.

You can enable the auto-close and self-opening function by setting up the comfort unit. After the program is initialized, you must select the control module (in this case, the comfort unit). On the Comfort tab, select 46 units. After the block is polled, a menu of operations appears. You need to select an adaptation and a channel of channel 003 (Lock). Next, enter 1 (on). Now, at a speed exceeding 15 km/h, the doors will be automatically locked. After the configuration is complete, you must click Test and Record. To unlock, you must enter and remember the equivalent value on channel 004 (UNlock).

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