Penalties for drunk driving are constantly being tightened, and news of terrible accidents involving drunk drivers is increasingly being met. So, what to do motorists if he's drunk, and he doesn't want to leave his car, ' cause otherwise, he's gonna have to come back for the next day?
The solution is to order "sober driver" service. That's where the questions start. Do you need a power of attorney with a "sober driver"? Who would answer if there was a vehicle accident involving a car driven by a "sober driver"?
Why not go drunk?
A fine of 30,000 rubles ($400) and a license suspension of a driver's license for a period of between 1.5 and 2 years will be imposed.
At the end of 2013, the State Duma adopted a bill to toughening liability for drunk driving. The project refers to the return to the baller system, as well as the introduction of a fine of 50,000 rubles ($1,450) and an exemption of five years for driving under the influence of alcoholic intoxication.
Penalty for drunk driving is now 30,000 rubles and deprivation of rights for at least a year and a half
So that after the fun of the evening, the motorist didn' t become a trespasser, and there is a service of "sober driver".

How does the service work?
In all major Russian cities, there are private firms that provide this service-professional drivers come to the mentioned address, after which they take the car and its drunk owner. In addition, the driver may take the client to his or her car to the airport or station and then move the vehicle at the specified address, for example, to the client's home, so that the vehicle does not have to be parked in a paid parking lot. A professional driver can also apply for a car to the airport or to the station on the return of the client. This service is called "Car Overtaking."
How do I choose "sober driver"?
The companies providing this service are large enough, and all of them have a corresponding business permit. However, the phones of the so-called "private" drivers, who represent their own interests and do not count as employees of the car company, meet on the Internet.
Of course, in cooperation with private "sober drivers", there is an advantage: usually the value of their services is lower than that of a professional firm. But there are also a number of significant drawbacks: the customer is not given any assurance that the car will be delivered to the given address and there are no documents indicating the qualification of the "private". Therefore, it is not recommended that private drivers should be contacted for safety reasons. Exceptions may be made only when the services of such a "sober driver" are checked and recommended by your friends or acquaints.
In case a road traffic accident occurs and a "sober driver" is driving the car, the insurance will still be paid out
Amateurs often wonder about insurance and contingencies. Most of the companies providing "Troop Drivers" undertake to take on additional costs in certain situations.
For example, if a "sober driver" is not covered in the insurance policy, the vehicle will be stopped by the DPS officer. The fact that the driver is not covered by the insurance is a violation and incurs administrative liability in the form of a fine of 500 rubles-and the company providing the service usually undertakes to pay it. This trend is fairly common, but not generally accepted, so the operator of the company should be asked in advance. Some firms provide the driver with permissive documentation, and the insurance policy is in place.
In case a road traffic accident occurs and a "sober driver" is to be located behind the wheel of the car, the insurance will still be paid under the OSAGO Article 4 Act 2 and the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 12 July 2006.

Also, the motorist should know that only the owner of the car or a person with a notarized power of attorney can use the service. With a simple handwritten power of attorney, self-respecting companies are most often denied services.
The price of the "sober driver" service varies depending on the location of the customer and the class of the car to be operated by the company employee
With regard to the costs of the "Three-driver" service, they are more likely to be charged individually: the price depends on the location of the customer and the class of the car that the employee will have to manage.
Recently, a fine and a penalty for drunk driving had once again become more severe and could be more severe in the near future, and the "sober driver" service was becoming more and more popular. But with its popularity, the number of private offers from drivers without the necessary documents in qualification-when ordering a service is worth paying special attention to choose the most appropriate option.