The procedure for the replacement of bearing bearings on Opel Vetra C is as follows:
(1) Rise the car and remove the wheel.
(2) Remove the brake hose and pull it away.
3) Disconnect the ABS sensor connector.
4) The head and key "on 18" unscrew the nuts that hold the rack.
5) The key "by 18" is the rest of the rack-stabilizer bracket to attach the cushioning rack.
6) The key "on 21" unrolls the nut clip.
(7) The T-12 TORS key shall be unmounted and removed from the assembly.
(8) Clamp the spring with a steak.
9) Remove the old bearing bearing.
10) take out the new bearing, smebing it with a lithole and installing it on the counter.
(11) In reverse order.