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Even with the condition of the condition of the system of distributed injection VAZ-2108/09/99 the problems with starting the engine in the cold are not rare. The specialists recommend to start the engine by gently squeeing the gas pedal. You have to wait for the relay of the gas pump to fire before you turn on the starter.

If the vehicle has not been opened for the first time, it is not recommended to continue running the engine for an extended period of time, it is better to repeat the procedure.

If the engine does not start, candlelight should be used. To do this, you must press the gas pedal "to the floor" and start the starter again. In this mode, the petrol ceases to be supplied to the combustion chamber, and when the valve is rotated into the cylinders through the opening and closing valves, air is released which, at the next stroke, exits the combustion chamber through the vents. Thus, after a short period of time, the engine can be dried if there is a small amount of petrol. Then repeat the launch procedure with a slightly pressed gas pedal.

If the engine does not start, it is recommended that the candles be replaced. With new candles, the launch will be much easier with the injection of the injector.

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