To replace the diesel candlelight on the diesel ia Sorento 2, the following steps need to be taken:

1. Loosen the strap of mounted units (by using the key to turn clockwise, remove the bolt from the generator sheave).

2. Loosin the lower and unscrew the upper retaining bolts of the generator (may be necessary to roll the tube on the vacuum pump-the one on the generator)

By freeing the indents of the candles:

1. Disconnect the electrical outlet connector.

2. Remove the tyre.

3. To return the candles. It's better to do it on the hot drive (more likely to spin out) using an elongated head for 12.

You'll also need to:

1. Clean out the wells of the candles (a little hole in the head below the tip of the candle).

2. Clear the well and threads beneath the candle.

3. To try to return the candles to their wells for the whole length of the threads. You have to do it with your hand.

The long retaining bolt of the generator is ideal for restoring or cleaning the threads.

Next, by grease the thread of any suitable lubricant, hand over the candles with the hand over the length of the threads. Start with the one closest to the generator.

Next, by using the dynamometric key, which is set at 15 Nm by the candlelight.

Put on a common tire and wrap the four M8 nuts by putting on the wire-fourth wire into the contact of the fourth candle and pulling it into the M8 nut.

Enrolling the generator, putting on a belt.

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