In order to replace the transmissive oil in the mechanical Opel Vektra V, you must perform the following procedure:

(1) Install a car on a hole or a lift.

(2) Remove the protection of the engine.

(3) The "at 11" is the "11" twisting of ten bolts of the package's differential cover.

(4) Carefully lift the cover and pour oil.

(5) Completely remove the cover and remove the rest of the pad from the crankcase.

(6) Wim all dry.

7) In the case of a car, the front left wheel will be reduced. We're looking for a cork in the box.

(8) A "8" stopper is unplugged.

(9) Put the car in a horizontal position.

(10) Under the hood, find and unwind the sapon boxes.

11) Put a new gasket and twist the differential lid. You bolt the cross-cross and use the threads retainer.

12) Through the spun, pour the transmissive oil until it starts leaking from the control orifice. It'll take about 1.6 liters of oil.

13) Stop the traffic and put the wheel back.

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