Nissan Qashqai uses NISSAN oil CVT Fluid NS-2, number for order KLE52-00004. It'll take two 4-litre jerricans.

If you plan to remove the pallet and clean the magnets when you replace the oil, the pallet pad should be replaced. You need NISSAN GASKET OIL-PAN pad, order number 31397-1XF0C.

It will also be necessary to remove the protection of the engine crankcase and gearbox, as well as the back part of the factory protection.

After that, you can begin to replace the oil in the variator.

1. Heat up the engine and varator, remove the probe and check the oil level

2. To make the probe come out, you need a flat-blade screwdriver to push the retaining tab on the tube and pull the probe. The oil level in the hot box should be in the PLT risk area.

3. Pleave the old oil tank for the old oil and wait for 25 minutes until the old oil is pushed out.

4. If it was decided to remove the CV' s, it is necessary to take into account that it has oil. The pallet is bolted by 18 bolts to 10.

5. Two magnets are secured on the pan and have to be cleaned up. The magnets and the pallet need to be cleaned with a cloth that does not leave the crows so that there is no excess in the variance.

6. You can now fill the new oil. The only way to fill it is as much as it has been.

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