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The demonstration of the interior lining of doors in Peugeot 207 is shown in the following order:

1. Remove the 2 mounting screws located at the top of the front and back end of the door.

2. Remove the securing screw on the window seat control panel.

3. Remove the window-lift control panel, which is attached to the latch, and disconnect the wire.

4. The sheathing is now held only on the sides and on the bottom of the door. To remove the cover, gently pull it on to the bottom left. As soon as you click the clip in this corner of the door, insert your fingers and release all the clips along the perimeter, except the top edge of the clip.

5. Lift the sheathing up to free its top edge.   The assembly is reversed, with the clips removed from the patch and inserted into the door panel. If you dismantle the clip, you can easily break down, so it's better to buy a few extra (3-4 on one door) in advance. The order number is 6991.S6.

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