The lighting of the panel of Ford Focus 1 is carried out by simple, baseless lamps. They can be easily replaced, but you need to remove the toolbar.

  1. To do this, remove the top cover of the steering column and remove the rubber hose (fixed by the elastic rubber snaps).
  2. Then we need to twist the carrots, placed under the visor of the instrument panel, and dismantle the frame with the glass.
  3. Under the frame is 4 smores at the edges of the dashboard, they also need to be turned off.
  4. Then, disconnect the connectors from the instrument panel and remove the burned-out lamps by removing the burned-out lamps by checking them to the left.
  5. When you are working, you must be careful not to confuse the arrows.
  6. To install the dashboard, you must ensure that the bolts are evenly spread, otherwise there will be a skew of the bezel, which can lead to a sticky arrow.

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