Alignment of the parking brake on the Opel Vetra B with the rear disc brakes is as follows:

(1) Rise the rear of the car and set the stand.

2) Send the handbrake and remove its cover.

(3) Unwind the adjustment nut by the end of the front cable.

4) Remove rear wheels.

(5) Rotating the brake disc in such a way that it coincides with the adjustment bar.

6) Insert a screwdriver into the hole and rotate the adjustment ring for the breaking of brake blocks.

(7) When the disc is completely braked, rotate the adjustment ring on the other side by 5 to 6 teeth. The disc shall rotate freely.

(8) Repeat the procedure for the second wheel.

(9) In the saloon, curl the adjustment nut and check the operation of the wheel-the wheels shall be securely stuck at 7 clicks.

(10) Put it all in place.

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