"Liquid glass" is the general name of the protective convoy for the car body. The properties are as follows:

1. Obstacles to the formation of bevels.

2. gives the car a mirror glitter.

3. Partly protects the varnish coating of dirt-the machine can be used less frequently.

4. Has a waterproof effect.

It is important to respect the technology when applying a protective force (a polyrole) to the "liquid glass". Only then will the coating be able to withstand the declared number of mojs. Depending on the manufacturer, the liquid glazing shall be able to withstand 10 to 80 mmojs.

The liquid glass technology means:

1. Thorough car wash

2. Additional body cleaning, if required (treatment of topolian kidneys, bitumen etc.)

3. Clearing of the body with an anti-silicon (flexible body cleaner)

4. Installation of liquid glass

5. Prolonging car in the room (5-6 hours)

After the application of liquid glass, the car cannot be washed for at least one week. At present, the liquid glass is referred to as not only the cover described above, but also polyrene containing liquid glass.

The coating of the vehicle by such polishing units also protects the body, but it does not stay long and is much cheaper than the real liquid glass.

To understand what exactly is offered, you need to know the price, examine the label of the tool and find out all the details of the procedure. If the drying is less than 5 hours, it is likely that a polyurethane with the addition of liquid glass or liquid glass is likely to occur in violation of the procedure.

A properly applied liquid glass does help protect the car's body from minor damage and the aggressive environmental impact.

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