Many drivers call the parqutrok as one of the most useful and necessary options in a car. But what to do if your car is not equipped with this luxury? There is one way to install the parktronic. You can use your own hands to install the parktronic, or you can trust the professionals. What do you need to install a car park on your own?
What do you need to install a car park on your own?
You can meet a lot of variation of the parktroics today. The basic design of this system is always comprised of three main devices:
- sensors that detect obstacles with ultrasonic signals,
- The ECU, which processes the signal from the sensors and transmits it to the passenger compartment,
- a device in the passenger compartment that translates the signal (in the form of sound, graphics on the screen, etc.).

Naturally, the choice of a specific parquetronic model depends on your financial capabilities, as well as on the features of the car. Before you buy a parktroick, be sure to be sure that it is compatible with your car. It is also desirable to search forums for feedback on your chosen parser to ensure its reliability and simple operation.
How do I set up a parktrok with your hands?
The self-installation procedure for the parktronic consists of several steps.
- Determine where you put the ECU from the parser. Usually it is located in the trunk: in the neck under the skin or in the area of the wing.
- Wash and dry the bumper.
- Mark the locations for future sensors (the easiest way is to use a regular marker, which can easily be lost by alcohol). The layout will depend on the number of sensors you have purchased (from 2 to 8). Be sure to review the instructions for installing the sensors, which specify the parameters of their installation: most often, the sensors of the parktronic shall be installed at least 50 cm from the ground.
- The set of the parktroick usually includes the frescoes for the drilling of the bumper if it is not available-it will have to be searched for a suitable diameter. Define the holes in the locations that you have defined. Drills are better than a drill at high speed. For the soft plastic to not melt under the mural, the experienced motorists recommend that you watt it with water from the bottle.
- For reliability, the sensors can be secured by adhesive or silicone sealant.
- Put the monitor in the car.
- Attach the VU sensors and monitor in accordance with the instructions.
- Check the sensors in different modes.

If you are not sure, the installation of the parktroick with your own hands is better not to hold, but to entrust this work to professionals. It will, of course, be more expensive, but more reliable.