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It requires a pad, a jack, a balloon, a 14, a big screwdriver, or a slit, silicone grease.

You must do the following:

  1. Scroll the cover of the brake fluid (located in the upper right corner of the subspace).
  2. Unmount the wheel. The wheel is located on two fingers of the brake. The upper one needs to be twisted completely, and the bottom unscrew is not the end.
  3. Drop the sup, put a pin in the kill or the screwdriver, or the screwdriver.
  4. Scroll down the bottom "finger" and remove the old pads.
  5. Tap out the outer part of the new lubricant pad that comes with the pad. That's the same lubricant to "fingers." Install new pads.
  6. Apply the brake dry port to the place, twist fingers, wear a wheel, close the lid of the brake fluid.
  7. Press the brake pedal several times until it becomes solid.

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