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For the replacement of the rear bumper to a Citroen C4 vehicle: Install the car on the lift, lift and block the car, remove the front wheels. Remove the wheel and the rear of the car. Unlock the rear lamp. Remove the two latchings and remove the plastic screw. Also, use the tool to carefully release the upper bumper fixtures and remove the bumper from the beams. If necessary, completely unmount the bumper. If necessary, completely remove the bumper. The other side is on the rivet. To remove the bumper stickers, you need to remove the glued "by 7 mm" and remove the anchorage.

  1. Install the car on the lift, lift and lock the car by outweighing the front wheels.
  2. Remove the wheel and secure the arch.
  3. Unmount taillight.
  4. Carefully remove the two bumper clips and twist the plastic screw.
  5. Also, use the tool to carefully release the upper bumper retention latches and remove the bumper from latches that are under the lamp.
  6. To remove the bumper completely if necessary.
  7. Attaching the bumper by one side to the front of the body, the other side on the rivet.
  8. To remove the bumper linkage, remove the "7 mm" check cap and remove the anchorage.
  9. Install the new anchorage and place the new stickup in the normal position.
  10. Align the corners of the bumper and set the bumper with neatly neatly neatly neatly.
  11. Remove the plastic screw.

Working time is 1 hour.

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