The automatic transmission of Suzuki SX4 is equipped with an electrical lock. The lever may be locked at low battery levels or on electrical failures. The lever may be released automatically when the engine is started from another battery. If the lever remains locked in the "R" position even after starting the engine, the following steps must be taken: lift the lever on the parking brake to switch the ignition switch to the ON position or to remove the button to the right of the key or screwdriver to the right of the button and, without the release of the button, switch the ACPR lever to the desired position

  • lift the parking brake lever
  • Switch off the engine
  • turn the ignition switch to the ON or ACC position
  • remove the blank filler from the button to the right of the CAT lever
  • push a key or a screwdriver to the button and, without a button, switch the ACPR lever to the desired position

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