The coolant temperature scale on the Renault Sandero's dashboard is divided into 9 segments. Depending on the heat of the liquid, the number of these segments is sun-filled: 0 segments are less than 50 degrees; 2 segments are temperatures between 50 degrees and 80 degrees; 4 segments are the temperature of the AJ from 80 to 105 degrees; and 6 segments are 105-115 degrees; 9 segments are temperatures of over 115 degrees.

  • 0 buckets is less than 50 degrees;
  • 2 segments-WF temperatures between 50 and 80 degrees;
  • 4 segments-WF temperature between 80 and 105 degrees;
  • 6 segments-WF temperature 105 to 115 degrees;
  • 9 buckets-the temperature of the AJ is more than 115 degrees.

When the liquid reaches 120 degrees, the signal lamp of the engine overheating is light. In this case, it is necessary to urgently muffle the engine and let it cool.

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