The fuel filter is required to clean up the fuel from foreign inclusions such as fine debris, sand and other particles that could potentially damage the engine. Most vehicles have two fuel filters: Fuel Flushing Filter: is a seepiel anchored near the pump. The point holds the largest particles in the fuel-fine filter: this is the filter that changes with regular maintenance of the car. The regularity of the filter replacement is specified in the service regulations and depends on each individual car.

  1. Fuel Flushing Filter: is a seepiel anchored near the pump. The grid holds the largest particles in the fuel
  2. Fuel fine filter: this is the filter that changes with regular maintenance of the car. The regularity of the filter replacement is specified in the service regulations and depends on each individual car.

The replacement of the fuel filter will require a lift or a repair "hole". The fuel filter is located between the fuel pump and the petrol tank. The old fuel filter needs to be reinstalled and new. It is desirable to replace the rubber bands. When replacing the fuel filter, it is necessary to remove the pressure in the fuel line so as not to force too much fuel. The difficulty of replacing the fuel filter depends on the design of the vehicle. The tools may require a wrench or a pair of pliers. Some filters are curled and some are affixed to the latches.

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