
How safe to drive at night

How safe to drive at night
Most drivers for long-time travel prefer night time. This is mainly due to the lower number of cars on the roads. The only problem is the limited visibility (sometimes with the light of the headlights)

How to do parallel parking-tips, video

How to do parallel parking-tips, video
Parallel parking is one of the basic exercises, which is taught at a driving school and whose knowledge is very often tested in the GYDB exam

Not to be the victim of a misconfigured accident.

Not to be the victim of a misconfigured accident.
Unfortunately, no one is safe from meeting with swindlers. Every month, thousands of people are the victims of the "traffic afers"

How to not sleep at the wheel

How to not sleep at the wheel
According to statistics, about 25% of fatal accidents occur due to driver fatigue.  The results of numerous studies show that the driver's reaction is approximately twice as high after 4 hours, and six times in eight hours

How to adjust the mirrors

How to adjust the mirrors
So, through the rear-view mirrors, the driver gets information about the road environment behind the car, to the right and to the left of it. And for the information to be as complete and objective as possible, the mirrors must be configured according to certain rules

How to transport large goods in a motor vehicle

How to transport large goods in a motor vehicle
The transport rules of the load Rule, which shall be known to each driver, is the mass of the load carried, the load distribution of the axles and the load on the roof shall not exceed the values determined by the manufacturer of the specific vehicle.

Anti-headlights-how to pick up and which to buy

Anti-headlights-how to pick up and which to buy
In recent times, the drivers are gaining popularity with the so-called anti-headlights, which improve visibility and reduce the load on sight while driving

How do you get your hands on a bill of lading after the duke?

How do you get your hands on a bill of lading after the duke?
The reasons for refusing to repair the OSAGO insurance policy, in which the driver chose between the repair and his cash equivalents, is valid only for policies until 28 April 2017

How to hold the steering wheel correctly

How to hold the steering wheel correctly
A lot of instructors are starting a practical lesson in driving a car with a phrase: "You need to keep it like a bird, so that it doesn't fly away, and it is tender not to choke."

How to brake the engine properly

How to brake the engine properly
The car has two main modes of braking-the service brake and the engine (there is, of course, contact braking, but this is an emergency)