When buying a new Chevrolet Niva, the owner receives a ring with two keys and a number tag. Both keys are suitable for door locks and ignition. The number plates are necessary in case of loss of keys. It is possible to order duplicate keys at the manufacturer without changing the lock maggots.

One of the keys is a workman, the other is a student.

In cars with an immobilizer, an electronic key is built into the head of each key with an individual code that serves to disconnect the protective device. If you lose a business key with an electronic transponder, you can use it to train two of the production keys ordered at the manufacturer. At the beginning of the vehicle operation, the learning key needs to activate the anti-theft system.

It is not recommended to carry a learning key at all times, since in this case the immobilizer might not accept the code passed by the working key. In the event of a failure of the immobilizer and the replacement of its electronic block with the learning key, the new unit must be re-activated.

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