Most car enthusiasts know that the engine oil needs to be checked periodically. However, many owners of cars with ACPR forget that the level of oil in the "machine" also needs to be controlled.

To check the level of oil in the ACPR, most cars have a special probe with labels. It is usually two or four: two upper marks correspond to the minimum and maximum level of oil in the soak up to 90 degrees. The level of oil in the ACPR for most modern motor vehicles should be checked with the motor and with the selector in position P.

The sequence of actions when checking the level of oil in the ACPR:

  1. Heat the gearbox to the operating temperature 15 -20 km.
  2. I want you to put the car on a smooth surface.
  3. Pulled the ACPR probe and wiped it dry.
  4. Insert the probe until it stops and drag it out again.
  5. Look at the level of oil on the probe: the position of the oil stain and will correspond to the oil level in the gearbox.

Note that some cars have specific requirements for checking the oil level at ACPR. For example, the Honda and Acura procedure should be carried out with the engine plugged, and Chrysler must be in position N.

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