To change the brake disc to BMW 1 generation 1 will require a "15" key, a "by 13", "18", a 6-Graedron 6. The replacement procedure is as follows: A car is a crusher and we take off a wheel, and we take 2 screws and remove it (do not leave hanging on the hose, but secure something on the lever).We're taking off the brake pads.A hexagon is swinging the screw on the brake disc. With the hammer gently drive down the disc, install a new brake disc and collect it all back.

  1. A car with a car and a wheel.
  2. Scrolling 2 screw-bolts and remove it (do not leave hanging on the hose, but secure something on the lever).
  3. We're taking off the brake pads.
  4. Unwind the subport (2 bolts).
  5. A hexagon is swinging the screw on the brake disc.
  6. With the help of a hammer, gently shoot down the disc from the hub.
  7. Set up a new brake disc and gather it all back.

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