There are several ways to control the operation of the reversing sensor on the Ford Mondeo III: Remove the JSCB and air filter. Next, disconnect the connector, unplug the sensor, back up the sensor. In the opening of the sensor, drop the wire and use a screwdriver to lift the power-on mechanism up. The cause of the sensor problem may be a balloon hang-spin off the sensor, fix the ball. Scatter a beetle screwdriver at the top of the sensor and reach it in a circle. Remove the plastic part with the connector, clean up the sandpaper with two contacts. Collect the sensor. The metal and the plastic will miss the sealant.

  1. Remove the JSCB and air filter. Next, disconnect the connector, unplug the sensor, back up the sensor. In the opening of the sensor, drop the wire and use a screwdriver to lift the power-on mechanism up.
  2. The cause of the sensor problem may be a balloon hang-spin off the sensor, fix the ball.
  3. Scatter a beetle screwdriver at the top of the sensor and reach it in a circle. Remove the plastic part with the connector, clean up the sandpaper with two contacts. Collect the sensor. The metal and the plastic will miss the sealant.

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