Check Engine (check of the genie), in the common people-"jackpot", one of the most famous reference bulbs on the dashboard of the car. This amber warning light on the engine indicates the need to verify the correct operation of the engine.

It is impossible to determine the breakage solely on the activated indicator "check the engine". You can categorize the indicator into groups based on their severity:

1. A small problem. Benign petrol or untightly closed cork of petrol tank. Sometimes it's enough to fill up the gasoline and tighten the fuel tank cork so that the genie check goes out. This can be a serious time delay, and in some cases you will have to disable the battery terminals or even connect the diagnostic computer to reset the error. In any case, if the petrol was not of poor quality, there would be no serious problems.

2. A problem that may have an adverse effect. In this case, there is likely to be a failure of a sensor.

3. A serious problem of mechanical failure of the engine.

To accurately determine the problem, you must connect the diagnostic computer to the car and read the error code. If there is no such opportunity, attention should be paid to the symptoms accompanying the engin pin of the lamp. It could be traction failures, engine's enhanced smoke or extraneous noises. In any case, the engine must be checked by checking the engine. The timely diagnosis of the powertrain can protect from the high cost of repair.

If the Check Engine lamp catches fire on the main road, it is first of all to try to reduce the load on the engine without lifting the turnover above the middle zone.

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