If the cooling system of the car is clogged, it starts to work worse, causing the engine to overheat. To make the refrigeration system fully operational, it must be periodically rinoed. In this case, it is not just the cleaning of the heat sink, but also the integrated flushing of the entire cooling system. Why do you need to launder the cooling system?

Why do you need to launder the cooling system?

In the cooling system, there is a need for extraneous matter, which prevents the liquid from circulating normally and heating and cooling as it should. The main sources of pollution for the refrigeration system are: A drink from water (appears if the cooling system is flooded with uncontaminated water), degradation products of antifreeze (over time, any antifreeze or nostol antifreeze), other substances (dust, dirt, motor oil, sealant, etc.).

  • a drink from the water (appears if the cooling system is flooded with untiered water),
  • Decomposition of antifreeze products (with the time of any antifreeze or depressing degradation),
  • Other substances (dust, dirt, motor oil, sealant, etc.).

Any cooling system is contaminated with time, which means it must be washed. It is easiest to entrust this procedure to the service masters, who have both professional means and special equipment. However, many motorists are not willing to spend money on this, preferto to wash the cooling system with their own hands. However, it is not difficult to perform this procedure on your own. How to wash your cooling system with your hands

How to wash your cooling system with your hands

There are several ways to wash the refrigeration system independently. To begin with, it is necessary to determine how much the system is polluted and then choose the most appropriate way to cleanse it. You can use the cooling system to flush the cooling system. Water, acidified water, special substances.

  • water,
  • acidified water,
  • Special substances.

Flushing water is the easiest way to clean up the cooling system. Distilled water needs to be poured into the system, start the engine and give it 10-15 minutes to work at idling speed. After that, water needs to be merged. If the water is dirty, the procedure will be repeated again-and so long as clean water is not present from the cooling system. If there is no distilled water, you can use the usual boiling water. However, be aware that water can be far removed from all pollution and sediment, so the effect of such flushing will not be too tangible.

If in the swilling of normal water when plum is washed, more serious money should be used. The acidified water which is used to wash the refrigeration system consists of three substances: lactic acid, acetic acid, and austerotic soda. The process of flushing the cooling system with this mixture looks like this: fill the mixture with the system, start the engine, give it a little bit of work at idling speed, then stifle the engine, let it cool down and repeat the procedure. In two or three hours, blend and pour a new portion of it. The total cooling time of the cooling system shall be between 6 and 8 hours. Distilled water should be run through a distilled water to complete the washing process.

Finally, if water is not sufficient, and there is no time for the preparation of acidified water, you can use the available tools that are sold in the auto shops. They can be of different types (acidic, alkaline, neutral)-they cannot be mixed because they can be unpredictable. Sometimes, you can see two-component tools that are acid and alkaline solutions that you want to use in turn. The method of application of special solutions for washing the cooling system is indicated on the packaging of the tool itself.

Before any washing system of the refrigeration system, it is necessary to leak anti-freeze, and fill it back when the flushing is complete. If the slite antifreeze has not yet lost its properties, it is possible to use it further, if it has not been changed for a long time, it is better to fill a new one.

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