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Before the Opel Corsa D door was taken apart, the glass should be lowered to the middle of the middle. Then a flat-blade screwdriver or other suitable instrument must be attached to the plastic lining of the door handle on the side where the fabric upholstery is present. Then remove the window-lift key by unlocking the side tables and detach the connector. It is also necessary to unroll the two screws inside the handle using a hexagonal key.

Behind the chrome handle of the door opens, there is a filler that also needs to be attached, and then twist the screw that is behind it. Next, two more screws are removed: bottom of the plating and closer to the edge of the door.

Then you need to pull the bottom of the plating onto yourself, then up, so that the top part is out of the metal holders. Only remove the speaker from the fastening and detach the cable lock from the door handle.

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