The first thing to do is to unscrew the stabilizer nut. The key is 15 and 17. Then, under the hood, you need to unwrap the shock absorber clip under the cover and pull out the rack cabinet. Next, it is necessary to unroll the nut of the rod that holds the spring. It will also require two keys: 9 and 22. The old shock absorber can be removed, placed in its spring, new. The assembly and mounting of the cushioning frame are performed in reverse sequence.

Rashout the shock absorber down and smoothly, without ropes, compress it

Lock shock shock absorber in this position for 3 seconds

Hold the currents, flip the shock absorber up, lock it in this position for 3 seconds.

By holding the shock absorber in a vertical position, gently move the shock forward to the end

Move the shock absorber to the bottom, pause for 3 seconds. Then, try the operations again in the same sequence several times

Pumping is necessary to leave the shock absorber in the upright position. It should be set in this way.

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