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The procedure for the complete self-replacement of the working liquid of the automatic box Mitsubishi Padero 3rd and 4th generation is as follows:

(1) Take off the tube leading from the heat sink to the return of oil to the ACPR crater.

2) Substitue the appropriate receptacle (about 10 litres) and crank under the hose.

3) bet the gear selector at position N and start the motor.

4) Yes to the engine to work for at most one minute and to monitor the flow of oil from the hose.

(5) Stop the engine and unwind the cork on the crankcase to drain the remains of the oil.

6) Stop the cork.

7) Pour into a box of about 5 liters of new ATF.

(8) Start the engine again for one minute and drain the hose from the old liquid into the receptacle.

(9) Put the phone in place.

(10) A new liquid to the required level.

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