Vehicle interior

Replacement of a salon filter at Mitsubishi Pajero 3

Replacement of a salon filter at Mitsubishi Pajero 3
In order to replace the salon filter on Mitsubishi Pajero 3, do the following: 1) Open the bottom bardate.2) On the two sides of the bar, we find the glove tab completely down and find the plastic panel

Dismantling of the back seat of Nissan Almera Classic

Dismantling of the back seat of Nissan Almera Classic
Before you remove the back, you need to remove the rear seat cushion.

Dismantling of the rear shelf and seat at Nissan Almera Classic

Dismantling of the rear shelf and seat at Nissan Almera Classic
First, it is necessary to roll back the anchorage of children's seats. This will require a key of 12

Additional outlet in Nissan Almera Classic

Additional outlet in Nissan Almera Classic
Nissan Almera Classic does not have any additional outlet in the passenger compartment, but a special place is provided by the filler. It is located on the right side of the central tunnel. The passenger's side is visible

Where a Nissan Almera Classic slot is located

Where a Nissan Almera Classic slot is located
To attach a diagnostic scanner to count Nissan Almer Classic error codes is easy. A diagnostic connector on the Almera Classic is on the left under the steering column

Nissan Almera Classic floor

Nissan Almera Classic floor
Often Nissan Almera Classic can detect growth in the area of a pedal node. The most likely place is the propiska-a compartment of a motor-board-niche in which the wiper mechanism is installed

Unpleasant smell in Nissan Almera Classic, after turning off the air conditioning

Unpleasant smell in Nissan Almera Classic, after turning off the air conditioning
The bad smell from deflector deflectors after turning off the air conditioner is not uncommon for Nissan Almera Classic. To eliminate the unpleasant smell, it is necessary to extract the salon filter (he is in the glove compartment)

Parking brake and Nissan Almera Classic

Parking brake and Nissan Almera Classic
The parking brake indicator shows not only the raised "handbrake" but also the low brake fluid level. If the battery symbol is lit, there is no charge. The problem can be a generator, a wiring or a dashboard

[ [ Nissan Almera Classic | Nissan Almera Classic]]

[ [ Nissan Almera Classic | Nissan Almera Classic]]
The reason for the air conditioner's poor performance may be several. The most common is the dirt that is lost between the radiator of the air conditioner and the radiator of the vehicle cooling system. Another reason is the salon filter

Nissan Almera Classic

Nissan Almera Classic
In most cases, the window-lift of the window lowers the glass, but refuses to lift it. This is related to the lack of grease in the rails. To solve the problem, we need to remove the Nissan Almera Classic and lubricate the silicon grease all the rails. The problem must be gone.