The salon filter is not installed on the Largeus, even in the most expensive installation, but there is a place under it. It is necessary to remove the front passenger seat to make it easier to work.

The vigor is fixed by the screws TORX on 40. 2 bolts are located on the sled in the front and 2 in the rear. The seat first needs to be moved backward and forward with the front bolts and the front bolts roll forward and rotate the rearward bolts.

This is the appearance of a filler hole of the salon filter

The stub should be cut with a construction knife, as shown in the photo

Once the filler is cut, the edges need to be lit. For the remaining plastic to remain inside, it is necessary to turn on the maximum speed for some time.

The salon filter can now be installed.

After you have installed the filter, you should check if the air is past it. If there are such places, they need to be glued. For example, you can use a noisomious-isolating material.

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