To replace the brake pads on Mazda 6, the second generation will require a key of 14 and a flat-blade screwdriver.

The top bolt, as shown in the photo, is to be turned off by the key by 14.

After that, the same key to leave the brake sub-port forward

When the dry port will be released, access to the pads will be opened.

Next, we need to remove the two springs.

They look like this:

And get the pad.

Then it is necessary to push the piston inside the subport by a screwdriver. Do it carefully so that you do not damage the duster or you will have to change the brake sub-port assembly.

The port should be on a level with the hulpport

Now all you have to do is clean the rails, put the brake pads on the spot, and install the springs.

After that, you need to install the sub-port to the site.

and screw the key by 14.

Before you start, you need to push the brake pedal until it's solid.

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