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In the development of the body structure, the engineers pay attention to the mass of factors that further determine the aerodynamic qualities of the car and its abysmal stability. The body is attached to the frame of the vehicle. If you have an analogy with a human body, you can compare the body stan' s with the spine.

What frame of the body is needed?

I bet a lot of people had to see cars after the accident. Sometimes it turns out so hard that it's hard to identify a vehicle in this scrap heap. However, one cannot fail to notice that, depending on the impact, the body starts to spread evenly over one side or another, which is the merits of the racks. If they weren't there, the body would shrink like a ball when it collides.

Depending on the vehicle body type, the number of racks and the shape of each of them varies.   Initially dominated by the design of the lavatory structure, each pillar was a separate element. But with the development of the automotive industry, the number of details is constantly decreasing. For example, the Audi A8 board consists of 8 parts, while the Audi A2 sidewall is complete.

In the classic sedan design, you can select rear, middle, and front racks, each of which performs several functions.

Frame design:

-the external part;


The cutoff is in the shape of a beam, the filler repeats the shape of the outer part, but it has holes and is welding to the outside profile. The bottom of the frame is connected to the body threshold and the upper part to the roof.

Frame types and their features

The middle frame is an element of the body having a direct influence on the vehicle's door and roof condition. When the rack is deformed, the door axis is shifted and the roof is deformed.

It is the middle frame that is most affected by the side impact. If the rack is slightly damaged, it can be repaired or replaced.

The white crow among the vehicles is Ford S-Max, where there are no middle frames. The engineers of Ford Company have made such a decision to install sliding doors that are made of high strength steel. The result is a minivan with a doorway width of about 1.5 metres. According to the engineers, the middle racks are integrated in the door.

The front body rack is an obstacle to the deformation of the body during a frontal impact. The bottom of the rack is connected to the roof of the car and the lower part of the rack is connected to the bottom of the rack. The amplifiers and lining assemblies are used to increase the strength.

The back of the body frame changes the shape of the rest of the body. Depending on the type of body, the back of the rack may vary in length and in the manner of attachment. The most common form of the rear stand is Hofmayr's bending.

For the first time, a curved form for rear racks was used for BMW cars in 1961. This form is used for the rear racks and has a functional load-the reinforcement of the rear roof of the roof, which makes it possible to obtain acceptable durability and to maintain the external ease of construction.

How the rack can provide security

The main task of the designers is to give the pillars an optimal impact strength. The determining factor is the strength of the cross-beam of the roof and the threshold of the vehicle. This mechanical unit shall provide at least 2 tonnes of force. In addition, attention is given to the materials from which the pillars are manufactured and the reinforcing elements. If the material has been reviewed by the manufacturer for a long time, the connection of these elements is still subject to change.

Security is achieved through the use of high-strength materials and structural reinforcement systems. The sheet steel is used, which has a high elasticity and lining, which strengthens the welds and removes part of the impact effort. The car's rack is hollow, allowing for the absorption of energy in the collision. The presence of 3 pairs of vehicle body frames allows to withstand serious collisions, ensuring the safety of the occupants.

Frames damaged

In addition to the frontal impact, there are many other factors that may damage the body pillar. The racks, as a design element of the body, suffer from similar barrels. Every day, the bodywork takes the weight of the driver and the passengers, resulting in a gradual deformation, exacerbates it on the uneven road. The bad work of the car suspension and corrosion, which is inevitable for any car, is also thick. The average length of the body service is 10 to 15 years, respectively. In order to maintain its functionality, it is necessary to monitor the overall condition of the car and select the speed depending on the quality of the road surface.  In the event of a disaster, the rack cabinet must be restored or replaced.

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