The daytime running lamps DRL (from the English daytime running lights) are light devices that are used for passenger cars and trucks to improve the visibility of the vehicle during the daytime. In contrast to the position lamps, daytime running lamps have a great brightness, which makes it possible to make the approximation of the car in daylight even in the bright sun.
The appearance of DRL daytime running lamps is closely linked to the legislative regulation of additional car lighting in the daytime. For the first time, the mandatory use of navigation lights was introduced in Finland in 1972. The adoption of such a law was due to the lack of coverage in the winter. Therefore, it was decided to use the additional front light to prevent emergency situations. At that time, 21 watt light bulbs radiating white or yellow light were used. The front running lamps shall be placed on the front side of the vehicle body. Following Finland's compulsory use of daytime running lamps in 1977, Sweden followed similar legislation in Norway, Iceland, Denmark. Moreover, the law was initially ordered to use daylight only during the winter, but over time this provision became mandatory for the year round. In Russia only in 2010, there was a supplement to the traffic rules, according to which the dipped-beam headlamps, front fog lamps or daytime running lamps must be switched on on all vehicles in motion.
Treatment of daytime running lamps and types
The daytime running lamps shall include dipped-beam headlamps and front fog lamps. In the United States and Canada, dim lights may be used as daytime lights. The most modern and convenient type of daytime running lamps is the individual LED units that are installed on the car, which are switched on automatically with the start of the engine. The use of certain navigation lights is more profitable as they consume less energy (approximately 6 to 21 W) and emit a brighter light. The special shape of the DRL beam increases considerably the distance of detection of the car in comparison with the passing beam and does not as much blind oncoming cars as a driving beam.
The installation of the external navigation lights is regulated by the law. The standards for the operation of the lights are set in different countries.
In Russia, the following norms should be observed:
- On the front of the vehicle, the height of the vehicle is 25-150 cm;
- minimum distance between blocks of navigation lights to a minimum of 60 cm;
- DRL area 40-200 cm2
The daytime running lamps shall be switched on automatically at the start of the engine and shall be switched off when the passing or driving beam is switched on.
Advantages and disadvantages of DRL Daytime Running lamps
The main task of daytime running lamps is to make the car more visible during daylight hours. The deficiencies can be attributed to the low level of reliability of inexpensive devices, as well as the deterioration in the appearance of the car during the installation of DRLs to off-site locations.
Installation and repair of navigation lights
The installation of daytime running lamps does not require a special permit from HYDRA. The installation procedure is very simple, some motorists handle it on their own. But it is better to entrust this case to professionals, as according to GOST there are strict requirements and parameters of navigation lights. The daytime running lamps have a long service life and are designed for approximately five thousand hours of continuous operation. The longer service life and low energy consumption of the DRL Philips and Hella, but their price is significantly higher than that of the Chinese and Korean counterparts.
The installation of DRL lamps is not required, but it is highly recommended. Many car manufacturers include the DRL in the basic packaging. In addition, the additional installation of the navigation lights will extend the useful life of your headlamps, as it will no longer be necessary to include them in the daytime.