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The various failures of the intake and exhaust valves in the LADA Kalina expansion plate are known for a long time, but 100% of the solution has not yet been found. Most owners complain about:

A large percentage of the marriage, regardless of the producer (the valves are not initially active);

Corrosion of metal springs in several months of operation;

The freezing of the cork in winter, which hinders the smooth operation of the valves.

There are several alternative approaches to solving this problem:

1. The search for the original cork from VAZ 21083 made in the USSR is considered the best alternative, since it is not prone to freezing and metal elements are made from corrosion resistant brass. In free sales, this traffic is very difficult to find, and it is also counterfeits.

2. A pilot selection of cork from a manufacturer followed by the setting of valves to obtain the "passport" pressure for the opening (for venting-1.1-1.5 bar, for intake-0.1 bar).

3. The permanent cover plate with the installation of the valve unit from non-IBM products (Gans Pries, Fei) and subsequent adjustment.

In any case, inspect the lid periodically (once every three to four months) and change it to a new one if necessary.

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